Monday, September 22, 2014

Re using your concrete paths

Well we seem to have almost done it - cleared the site of all hard fill that is. The jackhammer was just the bees knees, & actually quite good fun - once you heave the beast into position it's not too strenuous at all. After breaking up all the back area outside our old kitchen & back patio, we decided we should at least have a go at recycling our concrete paths. A quick peruse of the world wide web confirmed our suspicions - there are lots of good ideas out there for up-cycling one's concrete ie it need not be biffed into a skip.

Slabs of concrete ready for re-use, just the small matter of shifting them for us to do... 

A delightfully messy scene at 3 York

Meanwhile out on the street its all action too as they replace all the wastewater pipes in the street

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The sting in the tale...

Just when we thought we were about to polish off the demolition, 2 skips booked & bodies prepared for lugging all the remaining hard fill, we discovered...yet more concrete. Turns out that several areas out the back of our old kitchen were not just cute brick spirals on earth - in between lies a sturdy crust of cement. Sigh.

On the upside it looks like we might be able to borrow a jackhammer of some sort for the final cleanup - sounds exciting, if a little j-j-j-judddddddddering :-)
An almost tip-top full skip - plenty more where that came from

Lurking underneath that sandy stuff is yet more concrete