Sunday, January 18, 2015

A composite roof

How many households does it take to provide spare corrugated iron for a small roof? Quite a few it seems in York St...thus far we have 5 contributors towards our wee hut roof:

Our own leftovers from the brick cottage, most of which we shortsightedly hocked off to the local scrap metal dealers

12 sheets of most excellent iron from Esther & Tony's house in Redcliffs, soon destined for demo

A couple of sheets from Adrian, Michelle & Fern at no 29 - courtesy of their own re-roofing project

A stunning ridge cap from Bruce & Trish at no 7

And last but not least a load of metal guttering from no 21 - the house that most of us in the street have been wanting to demo for at least 10 years! I've had my eye on the guttering for some time since news percolated out that the house was due for demo, but did nothing about it. On Friday morning digger & crew arrived so I ran down there & quickly negotiated 45mins of time to extract as much guttering as possible, in exchange for a box of beer. In the end we had 2 hours to do the task - huge thanks to the new owners Bronwyn & John.
Check out that shiny new barge flashing

Scavenged guttering from no 21

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Garden studio takes shape

Slowly but surely a small hut has sprung up in our garden - yeh! And what fun it's been - what an amazing learning experience. Having never built anything before, each step of the way has involved lots of research, funny conversations ("so what exactly is a dwang?"), you tube videos, and best of all  trial and error (my favourite).

As of today 15 Jan, we mostly have the roof completed, and are moving onto installing the windows next, followed by the external cladding. Much to look forward to :-)

Here's a few pics of what we've been up to over the last month.

Original concept design
Developed design - state of the art architectural prowess from Nessi
Piles ready for concrete - yeh!

First pile - with sand stolen from Lucia's back yard
All piles concreted in - phew

Post xmas picnic - Mr Grey carries out another site inspection

Concrete is so much fun

Ready to put a hut on top
Nessi measuring up

First wall going up - support from all the neighbours & friends has been awesome
South wall almost in place - double thumbs up from Adrian

East wall coming up
East wall in place
Bruce makes sure we're doing it properly

West wall sliding into place

North wall going up

There it is...Nessi runs for cover

Final check

Wow it kinda works

View from York St
A few days later - all wrapped up. Looks like a giant licorice allsort :-)

Ridge beam going in
Yukky bora stuff getting painted on the rafters. Nice to re-use some of our rimu timber from the old cottage

Mr Grey makes another site inspection. Nessi's bribes of "cat temptations" & milk are working well

Swiss import Lizzie maintains law & order on site, & makes a fine job of the window wrapping.

Plywood going on the rafters

Barge boards on - a tricky business getting those angles just so...don't look too closely :-)